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King James Bible Believing Deliverance

Deliverance   Page 1    Page 2    Page 3    Page 4

Page 4 - Devils: Casting Devils Out

A strange paradox exists in the body of Christ: MOST that call themselves Bible believers don't do deliverance (war in the Spirit) so they are not real Bible believers as they don't believe what God said about casting out devils, and MOST that perform deliverance are not Bible believers because they simply do not believe what God says in the Authorized King James Bible word for word, hense they do not know how to rightly divide the Word and hence take for doctrine what scholars and Bible correctors incorrectly teach about doctrines such as Spiritual Circumcision, the New Birth or the 3-Part Being! Thank God there are real Bible Believers such as Dr Ruckman, Dr Kim, and an ever growing group of others including us, but we still are an exception, as it's very hard to find Bible believers that understand the Tripartite Being and therefore cast out devils! In the Old Testament Abraham actually believed what God said. If we too believe what God said, we would believe not only in the Gospel in 1st Cor 15, but we would also believe Genesis regarding the Garden Of Eden, The Great Flood, The Seven Mysteries, and the casting out of Devils in Jesus name. Believe all of the Bible with child-like faith.

Read Only The Real Bible 1611 KJV
IMPORTANT: Casting out devils does not require a Bible (or a fake "bible") to be on hand. It does not matter - devils come out with spoken deliverance prayers. So, because someone can use a corrupt "bible" and still cast out devils, he may be TRICKED into thinking that because he can cast out devils while he has been studying from a corrupt "bible", the corrupt "bible" must be OK for doctrines or the devils would not have come out. However, the real, complete, pure, un-edited 1611 KJV Bible is the one that is profitable for doctrine and understanding truth.
Therefore believe and use the Real King James Bible, as ALL scripture is profitable, as long as it is not a counterfeit, added to or subtracted from. God wants us to have ALL of the Scriptures, not an edited watered-down incomplete corrupted fake. "For we are not as many which corrupt the word of God" (2Cor 2:17). Satan attacked the words of God in the garden of Eden (he was a liar from the beginning) where Satan asks Eve: "Yea, hath God said..), and Eve committed the first sin of the Bible (Gen 3:1-5) by subtracting from Gods words by omitting "freely", the Eve adds in verse 3 the word "touch". Satan also attacked Gods words the same way with the revision committee in 1885 with the corrupt RV Revised Version and over 225 counterfeit "bibles" since then. The war is against only the 1611 Authorized King James Bible from the received text that came from Antioch - not against any of the other counterfeit versions. Bible critics and correctors place themselves as the final authority above the Holy Spirit who wrote the Bible with His words. The Gnostics in Alexandria Egypt edited God's Word (Rev 22:18-19) with the Alexandrian texts - the Vatacanus and the Siniaticus bible versions which is the text used in all the modern versions (changing and subtracting verses and words, and adding the Apocrypha). Some Christians doing deliverance are tricked into using a counterfeit bible (any other but the Authorized) by having the worker think it is ok to use an Alexandrian "Bible" due to the fact that one does not need a bible on hand when performing deliverance.  Fear of the loss of salvation is a major stronghold that is infiltrating Christians doing deliverance.
Using a fake bible will prevent someone from "rightly dividing the word" (see timeline video above) and may lead to someone believing false doctrine, such as believing Acts 2:38 could be our Gospel (it was the for the Jews that needed repentance for crucifying their messiah, but not our Gospel). It is unfortunate that people are led to these doctrines of devils through the perverted texts that come from Alexandrian text Bibles (NIV, NKJV, Amplified, Living Bible, etc.), that blind them (strong delusion) from studying to rightly divide the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15), applying scripture to someone now in this age of "Grace" that is written for someone in the 7 year tribulation because after the rapture those that remain and become Christians in the 7 year tribulation (the time of Jacobs trouble) must have both faith and works (ex: James - written to physical Isrealites "twelve tribes" in the Tribulation) or they will lose their salvation (Mat 24:13), thus believing that someone now in this age of Grace can lose their salvation by works or sins, and if they preach this - they are damned. Yes - in the Tribulation those people that become Christians in that time period (Age) can lose their salvation. Christians now in this age of Grace will not be in the Tribulation, as we (the Church) are "called up hither" in Rev 4:1. Someone not rightly dividing the Word will mistake verses aimed at someone in the Tribulation as verses that they think can apply to them now. This promotes a Fear of the loss of salvation "doctrine of devils" in believers. Now, in this age of Grace, we have ETERNAL SECURITY. The Pauline Epistles are written for us in this age, and if other Bible verses line up with them, then we may apply them to us. Click here and watch the videos to know the true history and see the timeline.

When we Christians got saved our fleshly body was cut free, but the soul has a bodily shape just like the fleshly body: read the "rich man and Lazarus" Luke 16:23-24, in Hell the rich man's soul has a bodily shape as he has eyes and a tongue. So the Authorized Bible tells us that the soul is not as the Greeks and higher education believe it to be: the shape of a "golf ball". The Bible truth is that the Soul has the same shape as the body, not an unlike shape of a ball! We should decrease (put off the Old Man), and He should increase (put on the New Man), as A Christian should pray for the in-filling of the Holy Spirit to fill the shape of his soul, as the Christians soul is "married", Romans 7:1-4, and joined to the Lord Jesus Christ (he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit). 1 Cor 6:17

There are soul and flesh (physical) counterparts, such as Brain/Mind and the Soul(spiritual) Heart/Physical Heart. The Christians fleshly BODY (the Old Man, where "dwelleth no good thing" Rom 7:18") has a BRAIN and BODILY FEELINGS that think and feel and are easily confused with our circumcised separated SOUL (the New Man) which has the mind of Christ. The flesh body also has THE CARNAL MIND (Romans 8 ) having enmity against God, and this CARNAL MIND is where the devils (demons) operate. It is here that they use Mind Control.
A thought can be produced by three sources: 1) I, myself (the real me) - our Soul. 2) The Holy Spirit, or 3) evil spirits (in our CARNAL MIND).

Here is an example: the physical heart in the flesh body, and the heart of your soul. Both can generate emotions that we feel. A hard heart blocks understanding, your treasure is where your heart is, and with the heart we believe. In the un-saved both hearts are spiritually joined together. In the Christian they are divided apart and separated as the Holy Spirit performed the operation of Spiritual Circumcision on the believer. At the time of the New Birth, when we ask Jesus to come into our heart, the Holy spirit comes in (Spiritual Circumcision) and joins Himself to our spirit and to the heart of our soul while cutting off the sinful fleshly body. At the time of the New Birth the Holy Spirit does not go into nor join to the physical heart located in the Christian's flesh, as this is where the evils spirits reside and have an abode (as well as every other body part including the BRAIN), "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing" Rom 7:18. The soul and the fleshly body superimpose one over another (the soul has a bodily shape, like a ghost) and inhabit the same space, and the Christian's reborn live spirit fills the soul like air in an inflated tire. The soul is the "real you". Since we can only have one thought at only given time, the thought came come from any one of these three parts, and we have the choice of whether to "adopt" the thought or not. After the new birth, the soul is cut from the fleshly body, but joined to the Holy Spirit of God, so we can henceforth "put on the mind of Christ" so the Holy Spirit (now part of our spirit and wed to our soul), can provide thoughts. The Carnal Mind, which is located in the body (flesh) provides thoughts from the brain and evil spirits. We need to check the source of our thoughts.


Generally there is difficulty, of various degrees depending upon our state, in manifesting our real self (our soul) through to our flesh with the warring from the Carnal Mind. Technically how spiritual circumcision is defined by the Bible is what we need to learn. Our Souls gets saved, but our bodies (flesh) are reckoned dead. Romans chapter 7:24 "...who shall deliver me from the BODY of this death?".

Thank God we are in the Church age now, and for a saved person the Bible is clear about where the cut is: between the Spirit/Soul and Flesh and hence devils can only inhabit the flesh. 1st John fits this teaching with the soul not sinning, but the flesh does (also Romans chapter 7). Thus, the Soul is indeed saved - for salvation and eternal security, but since we walk in the flesh, we will reap what we sow in the flesh, with the exception of confessing sins and casting the devils out. Being in the search for absolute truth, ultimately you should research and compare scripture with scripture, for the Holy Spirit, the author of the scriptures, to reveal this and other truths to you, as this doctrine is very important to study.

Thanks be to God that He gives us a new glorified body at the rapture!

About Deliverance Ministries

All Christian Ministries should be doing their fair share of casting out devils. There should not be "Deliverance Ministries" as the name implies that the ministries primary function is Deliverance, not Salvation. All Christian Assemblies, including Local Assemblies and Internet Assemblies, should make spreading the Gospel the primary function, and ministering Deliverance to the Saints in the Assembly 2nd. But, since most ministries and Assemblies don't minister Deliverance, at least we have "Deliverance Ministries" to take up the load in these last days. It is unfortunate that many Christian Ministries view any Ministry that ministers Deliverance as always being Charismatic, and hence they falsely believe that casting out devils is part of the Charismatics. The truth is that Casting Out Devils is for ALL Christians. (D)evils work "behind the scenes" in the FLESH, staying hidden undercover in secret and darkness, and much of the devils effectiveness and power lies in the fact that most Christians don't believe they are real. As like Satan, the head Devil, the devils in Satan's army work in secret and darkness, as they are undercover agents for Satan performing an "inside job" with lies and deception.

Current 2025 Internet ministries that are ministering Deliverance:

Deliverance Ministries are specialists in the casting out of devils, but however most are currently weak in the area of sound Bible doctrines. The doctrines of deliverance ministries vary from one to another, and be not surprised if you have a hard time finding any deliverance ministries that are Bible believers, and take their doctrines from only the true word of God - the King James Bible. Some have taken their various doctrinal errors with them that they had from their previous denominations and higher education indoctrination when they started a deliverance ministry. Unfortunately there are some deliverance ministers who are great at casting out devils, but conversely are so weak in Bible Doctrines that they do not know how to rightly divide the Word, and hence spiritualize and apply any verse they like to prove a doctrinal error such as there is no Rapture, or Christians will have to go through the Tribulation, etc.

As with many "mainstream" Christian ministers, there are some that will adopt the besetting sins of the Scholars, exhaling themselves above the author of the Bible (the Holy Spirit), as they will assume authority and correct the King James Bible using Greek and corrupt "new" bibles to alter a word so as to try to make it validate a doctrinal error such as "losing your salvation". However, these shortcomings can be found in most Christian Ministries today, but because of seeking the truth and the Internet many are now finding out the Bible truths that they need to know.

Romans 16:17 "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them."

However, having an experienced Deliverance Minster help you get "cleaned up" is extremely valuable, and these ministries should be utilized for their experience and expertise of casting out devils, not to discuss any doctrines that they have that are not Bible Doctrines, or to have a "grudge" against them if you find doctrinal errors. Having brethren cast out devils does not mean that you will adopt their doctrines. We are ambassadors of Christ and need not to argue and fight with Brethren, but to love one another and minister to one another.
Generally deliverance ministries don't state their doctrines on their websites, so then it is good to try the spirits by meeting them and asking some questions. However, the purpose for getting help from them is for help in casting out devils, not to dispute doctrinal errors. Therefore, get help from them with deliverance, but if any wish to argue sound Bible doctrine, then thank the Lord for the deliverance you received and mark them, pray for them and move on.

Many Deliverance Ministries are great in the sense that everyone is active in the fellowship, eliminating passivity, and taking advantage of the Christians various gifts. The Ministry Of Salvation in Oxfrord NJ and Hegewische Baptist in Indiana have great active fellowships, and have much experience. Prayers of agreement have much power when the fellowship is actively of "one accord" with the Mind Of Christ. These ministries are great specialists in casting out devils, and it is sad that these specialists are few and rare, as most Christian ministries do not cast any devils out, much less believe in them. Here are a few great Deliverance Ministries:

Hegewisch Baptist Church - Pastor Michael Thierer - Great ministry offering deliverance and workshops, join ZOOM services on Sundays at 10:30am Central and Thursdays 6pm Central, plus a huge selection of audios, videos and books, including a link to the "Win Worley Youtube channel" loaded with deliverance videos. "Hegewisch Baptist Church"

The Ministry of Salvation Fellowship - Pastor Charles Costello - Great ministry offering one on one deliverance in the Tri-State area, NY, NJ, PA. For more info visit The Ministry of Salvation website: "The Ministry of Salvation Fellowship". Pastor Charlie is a great Christian Warrior with a big heart. Here is a link to the "The Ministry of Salvation Fellowship Youtube channel" where there are many videos that are uploaded daily by Pastor Charlie.

firepowerministry.org - Dr Stella Immanuel (Americas Front-line Doctor) has a live conference call deliverance service at 11:00 PM every night (during the "witching hour" - a perfect time to counter witchcraft - also casting out devils before bedtime is good as it promotes peaceful sleep): Prayer Line 667.770.1523. Pin 835555#. 11pm – 12:30am. Join Deliverance tonight.

Casting Out Devils - Deliverance

When we got saved the flesh was cut free from our saved Soul, as our saved Soul is now subject to "The Law Of Spirit And Life" Rom 8:2 , but that's all God did with the flesh - cut it free. We are told to reckon the flesh dead, and to mortify the deeds of the flesh (see list of deeds to mortify Col 3:5-10), because the flesh is still subject to the Laws of God and "The Law Of Sin And Death" Rom 8:2, and that's where Sin (personified) is. That is where the devils were before you got saved, and where they still are after you got saved.

God does not remove the devils from the fleshly body when God saves a lost persons soul, that is why Jesus Christ gave us deliverance.

Before getting saved, the mission of Satan's devils was to prevent you from "switching fathers" and getting saved; but after being saved they work to keep you from all truth and from being effective as a son of God. They also work to steal, kill and destroy, but thanks be to God that Jesus was manifest to destroy the works of the devil. After we remove the legal rights for the devils with confession and breaking curses, we can then cast them out successfully in Jesus name. Mark 16:17 "In my name shall they cast out devils". Deliverance is still operational now in this age, and is for ALL of us Christians, not just a "select" few. Jesus taught deliverance setting the captives free (more than a third of what he did in the Gospels) by casting out devils, and had his disciples do it (Luke 9:1, and Luke 10:17 "the devils are subject to us through thy name"), and Paul did it: "Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her." (Acts 16:18), and we do it now as well.

Look at how deliverance removes spirits that give occult powers, as (Acts 16:16) when Paul cast out the spirit of divination from the damsel she lost her power, or spirit, of divination and could not make money for her masters any longer, so they put Paul in prison for it - until Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God and God caused an earthquake for their release.

First: get saved - then you may do deliverance, as it is the Children's Bread (Mark 7:27). Only a born again child of God that has the Holy Spirit can cast out devils.

The Simple Way To Cast Demons Out Of Yourself (Self Deliverance) - watch this great short video:

download/open "Warefare Prayers & Deliverance pdf book here"
This video has helped countless Christians: Mass Deliverance - simply follow along...
How To Break Curses and Demonic Yokes (Spiritual Warfare)

Want freedom from these tormenting spirits?

How to do Deliverance - models of prayers for you to individualize: Forgiveness Prayers, Occult Confession, Breaking Curses, including opening deliverance prayers.

Zoom in to read below - excerpt is from the booklet "Principles Of Mass Deliverance by Win Worley":

Learn how to cast out devils from Win Worley - read/download the complete pdf booklet "Principles of Mass Deliverance":

Learn more from Win Worley about deliverance - read/download the complete pdf booklet "Warfare Prayers Booklet by Win Worley":

King James Bible warfare scriptures - read/download the complete pdf booklet "Warfare Scriptures by Win Worley":

Basic How To:

We, being saved, are a holy priesthood (1st Peter 2:5) "Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ", and we have our High Priest Jesus Christ in the third Heaven Heb 9:11, Heb 10:21. We are seated with him in heavenly places:  Eph 2:6, as we have the Holy Spirit in us. Geographically we are on God's Earth, but Spiritually we are in Heaven. We saved people are a Royal Priesthood, "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:" 1 Peter 2:9, that can cast devils out of ourselves, and each other. Self deliverance has some effectiveness, but the Prayer Of Agreement Matt 18:19-20, with two or more Christians is definitely preferred.

Put Off The Old Man

Confess all sins, even those BEFORE you were saved because your soul, the real you, was saved but not yet the flesh as it was cut free and still under law and subject to devils until salvation will be complete with a new body at the Rapture. Confessing sins, renouncing and confessing the Occult, breaking curses and forgiving others(1John 1:9) wipes out the "legal rights" for the devils, meaning that God will allow them to be cast out.

Ask your Heavenly Father to forgive you of all lying, swearing and cursing that were ever spoken by you, so that all curses can be broken.

Renounce and confess all Occult involvement (Ouija board, horoscopes, tarot cards, etc.) break all curses and forgive others, (1st John 1:9) in the name of Jesus Christ directly to our Heavenly Father, as it is with Him that we have sinned against. You can do this by yourself, as you don't need anyone to stand in-between you and God your creator.

Break all curses from both God, and the Devil. Sins that break Laws of God (see Old Testament, example: Deuteronomy 32:2 - the curse of the bastard is ten generations) that God has curses for, must be broken. These sins which, with Christians, only affect the fleshly BODY, not the SOUL as the Christians SOUL is saved and circumcised. However, left unbroken, these curses are open doors to devils to enter the flesh, it is wise to break all curses from God, including generational curses, as the FLESH is still subject to the Law Of Sin and Death (Romans Chapter 7) and the 10 Commandments, plus the Blessings, Generational Curses and various Curses in Deuteronomy and Leviticus.

In order to throw these devils out. We need to restore our fellowship, or our state, with Him. We are standing on the Rock - Jesus (saved - eternally secure), but our state is our relationship with God, and since we want to stay in fellowship with him we confess our sins to Him, and follow His doctrines.

Forgive everyone for everything (an act of the will) in Jesus Christ name

As Paul did, so can you: say "I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out" (Acts 16:18) and as you breathe out (yawn and/or cough), you are casting out the devils. To get the evil spirits (devils, demons) out of yourself say something like: "In the name of Jesus Christ I command all unclean spirits to get out of me".

Quote Bible scriptures (as Jesus did:"It is written...")

Loose angels to bind, gag and put in boxes all devils that have not yet been cast out.

Put On The New Man

We can now put on the new man: "put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom 13:14), be "renewed in the spirit of your mind" (Eph 4:23), "transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Rom 12:2).

In Jesus name ask God to heal the body, and to restore the conscience from being seared and defiled, and to restore the hardened heart. Also claim the promises of God by quoting appropriate scriptures.

Perform a daily cleanse "with the washing of the water by the word" (Eph 5:26), and offering God Spiritual Sacrifices: (Heb 13:15), (1 Peter 2:5) - praising and thanking Jesus Christ, singing Psalms and spiritual songs (Col 3:16), (Eph 5:19) , and showing God how much we love Him. The soul is being filled with the Spirit (Acts 4:31) so as to speak the word of God with boldness, with Jesus Christ filling the Christians soul until he has formed in his soul the bodily shape of the Lord Jesus Christ himself.

Gal 4:19 " My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you"

Priesthood of the Believer - After casting out devils, it is a good time to do Spiritual Sacrifices - Peter S. Ruckman

Recommended: Buy and watch video: "Demons and Christians" by Dr Peter Ruckman available from BIBLE BAPTIST BOOKSTORE www.kjv1611.org
email us at: getblessedforever@protonmail.com

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