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Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Learn from Win Worley - read/download the complete pdf booklet "Warfare Prayers Booklet by Win Worley":
Also download/open
"Warfare Prayers & Deliverance pdf book by Charles Holzhauser here".
Christians should not be "punching bags", but should fight back! First and foremost, Christians should be in fellowship with God by putting off the old man through sin confession and
Deliverance, and then put on the new man with spiritual sacrifices and putting on the whole amour of God.
Spiritual Warfare
Eph 6:12 "
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places
We walk in the flesh, but we don't war in the flesh. We are not praying against people, but rather against the evil spirits in them and controlling them.
Various types of witches and wizards receive their instructions from their evil spirit guides, who in turn get their orders from their Commander In Chief - Satan.
Since the witch or wizard is satanically deceived (and because of this deception they are willfully in agreement with these orders) the evil spirits that reside in the witch or wizard will have much added power when assembling
together to perform various rituals
involving curses, spells, enchantments, bindings, etc, to summon and send forth evil spirits to accomplish Satan's orders and plans.
Witches have been putting spells and curses on people WHEN they can have the most influence, such as performing rituals on Holidays (Holy-Days), full moons, solstices, television (prime time, news, sports events, etc)
and other times when masses of people are gathered together. Spells and curses are deceptively cast upon unsuspecting people involving many different methods, such as music, TV and movie soundtracks
having embedded sub-audio recordings of
various spells and curses (except mp3 format because it removes embedded rituals as noise). These are ways that they are sending evil spirits (devils, or demons) to do their dirty work. Since we did not ask for these curses, we can spiritually fight back by warring in the spirit,
and return the
curses, spells and evil spirits back to the senders. The power and authority of the Creators name, the Lord Jesus Christ, has total dominion and power over these enemy evil spirits. So, as the witches war in the spirit,
so should the Christians.
Spiritual Warfare Prayers - Cleansing Haunted Places
Learn how to cleanse your own home and car, haunted houses and cursed highway spots:
These homes and highway spots need to be "cleansed" by the blood of Jesus.
Here is a general cleansing prayer, by Henry Gruver from an Omegaman interview, that can be customized for cleansing evil spirits, or "ghosts" from cursed, or "haunted" homes, highway spots and high places:
"Fast and pray, then ask God to forgive you of any sin known or unknown
before doing any warfare, because we do not understand how holy and pure God is,
then Eph 6 put on the whole armor of God,
then pray in Jesus name to Father God for protection for you, family,
helping christians and others both near and far away, protect us against any
distraction, diversion or attack of the enemy, ask for God’s angels of the Lord to be
encamped around you to be shielded, then you go by faith, and exercise your senses,
and any bad thoughts that come to your mind is coming from the devil (not you),
remit those sins back to as many generations as need be to when the sin was first
committed (anything wicked, lewd, vile, corrupt or murderous act) take dominion
over the altar (area) and render the power of them and the manifestation of them,
powerless, and in the name of Jesus through the power of the shed blood of Jesus
and his body, mind and spirit of the Lord, I remit the sins of those who did this,
remit the sin of bitterness of the victims, and I also remit the sins of the descendants
still living today, because the sin remains until the blood of Jesus is applied to it to
the first sin by thought, word, deed or gesture and those living today and pour out
God’s love and goodness on the living. Then you can loudly declare in the name
Jesus, blood, body, mind and spirit of Jesus, I now declare this area cleansed, and in
Jesus name, if come again you will face the shed blood of Jesus and his body, mind
and spirit and either repent or flee from this evil purpose never to return for evil
purpose then sing praise and worship over the site"
Wiccan High Priests get saved and delivered from evil spirits - Henry Gruver
Witches believe that DEMONS help them and are an ingenious asset to them (as the Greeks believed); BUT God calls them evil, and names them DEVILS, (d)evils - devils are from the root word evil,
as God did not transliterate and change their name to demon as it is in the counterfeit "bibles", and they are also called evil spirits.
Witches use rituals to send demons
, or evils spirits, to steal, kill and destroy people in the FLESH - that is - their bodies, to keep them from being saved or from being fruitful Christians;
Christians do the opposite by using God's authority to loose angels to war against the DEMONS
, or evils spirits, that are in fleshly bodies, to help people,
either to get saved, or delivered from demons, or evils spirits.
Another spiritual opposite is that Satan's world system uses demons, or evils spirits (like a military structure) to steal, kill and destroy, and to CONTROL people, who in turn CONTROL other people
God gives his children the opposite: the free will to have LIBERTY, or FREEDOM, to choose, and delegated power and authority over demons!
King James Bible warfare scriptures - read/download the complete pdf booklet "Warfare Scriptures by Win Worley":
The primary doctrinal application of
Matt 18:18-20
is the power to "bind and loose" , which is “to remit and retain sins”.
Matthew 18:18
shows that all the apostles had that power
(see John 20:23; Luke 24:33). See also Matthew 16:19 where the power to "bind and loose", or the power
"to remit and retain sins” is shared by more than twelve disciples.
Matt 18:19
is a prayer promise that can be claimed,
(compare with
Luke 17:5
regarding “touching anything that they shall ask.” A secondary application to "bind and loose" is to bind devils and to loose the spirits of God.
These prayers work - so pray them, speak them aloud in agreement together with other Christian brothers and sisters (at least two Christians together),
most importantly at the time when evil people are doing their rituals, when there are full moons and holidays.
God requires only two present for praying in agreement.
Matt 18-20 "18
Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
The two effective model audio prayers (audio embedded just below is two minutes,
and the other sample at the bottom of this page is over one hour) are great to play and listen but these are "standard" prayers, so when praying and reading from the list below, remember to customize it and
add in current evil plans and events that you feel are important.
Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Start Of Basic Prayer:
Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the authority You have
given us (Matt 16:19; Luke 10:19; Matt 18:18), we loose warrior angels to do battle for us,
and we now bind the
strongman (Luke 11:20-22) over all evil spirit powers working in and
through the following:
Planned disasters, Planned economic collapse, Illuminati "Helter Skelter", MNRA injections, Election Cheating, Election Hacking, Election Manipulation Spells, Fake Polls, Dominion Voting Machines, False Flag Attacks; Full Moon Rituals; Solstice Rituals; Population Reduction; The 4th Estate (Mainsteam Media); Legacy Media, Television, Hollywood, Drug Companies, Nato, The Deep State, The EU, Antifa, BLM, Election Rigging, Election Cheating, Dominion, Covid-19, Wuhan Virus, CCP, Gene Therapy Vaccines, Vaccines, Lock-downs, Shut-downs,
Forced Vaccinations, Bill Gates, W.E.F.; Anthony Fauci, CDC, FDA, CIA, FTC, W.H.O., Obamacare, Mandates,
The Illuminati; Council of 13; The Rothchilds; The Rockefellers; George Soros, The
Bilderbergers; Geoengineering, HAARP, Weather Modification, Planned Droughts,
Cloud Seeding, Planned Grid Failures,Global Warming, Climate Change, Project Bluebeam, 5 G, 6 G, Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations; Federal
Reserve System; Internal Revenue Service; United Nations; Socialism;
Humanism; Liberalism; Communism; Atheism; The Kremlin; Peking; Church
of WICCA; All Satanist Churches; Jesuits, The Vatican;
Babylon; The Pope; Antichrist; Hospitals; Prisons;
One World Government; International Monetary Fund; Witchcraft and
Zodiac Powers; World Council of Churches; National Council Of Churches
And we break all the curses, vexes, hexes and spells over these people,
places and institutions in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
The President, The Vice President, President Donald Trump, The Cabinet, All Senators &
Representatives, Supreme Court, Attorney Generals, All Federal Judges, Family, Business, The
Pentagon, State Department, All the States, Governors (NAME THEM NOW), State Legislatures,
Counties, Cities, Home and Possessions.
We bind all these evil spirit powers and loose the spirits of Burning,
Destruction, Judgment and Confusion on them and loose Warrior Angels to
attack , bind and drive out these evil spirits from these people that they possess.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ: We loose the ministering spirits of God on our loved ones, friends, country,
business, etc. We loose the spirits of Adoption, Grace and Supplication,
Truth, Peace, Love, Joy, Sound Mind, Praise, Worship, Prayer, Holiness,
Obedience, Grace, Mercy, Conviction, Repentance, Deliverance and the
Seven Spirits of God (Wisdom, Counsel, Might, Understanding, Knowledge,
Fear of the Lord, Spirit of the Lord).
Taking Authority Over Our Homes, Business, etc.
For myself, family and friends, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ: I break all
curses, bind Satan's rulers, strongmen, doorkeepers and all the evil
spirits of, over, in and working through our entire lives and beings; our
bodies, souls spirits, homes, schools, churches, jobs, possessions,
properties, finances, businesses, each president, owner, board of directors,
employer, employee, treasurer, customer and the finances of these
Binding & Loosing
In the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I loose warrior angels to do battle for us. I bind the rulers, the strongmen, doorkeepers
and all connected, related and resulting demons of witchcraft, Satan
worship, human and animal sacrifice, black magic, witchcraft control, mind
control, mind occult and the occult of, over, in and working in and through:
the world, U.S., each state, county, city, township, suburb, street,
neighborhood, block, home and church.
I loose, in the name of Jesus, upon and into all of Satan's children, partaking
of and planning these wicked and evil practices, the spirits of: Confusion,
Forgetfulness, Destruction; also spirits of Salvation, Adoption as Children of
God (Romans 8:15) and Deliverance.
Prayers For Over-Dubbed Music and Videos
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You, Father, to put a special covering of angels over each ceremony,
coven, witch and warlock, to prevent their evil rituals from hexing and cursing audios and videos, and from summoning and commanding demons into the media.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ we also loose angels to bind and
remove all demons that were
summoned by watching videos and hearing over-dubbed music with spells and curses, as these demons were sent to us deceptively without our permission.
Returning Curses To Senders
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I return to the senders all curses and witchcraft that have been sent to me (and/or _______ - name them that you are praying for).
Prayers To Protect Victims From Ritual Sacrifices
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You to send special angels to protect (Exodus 8:22, 23), hide
and put a hedge around (Job 1:10; Hosea 2:6) all your children who are in
the body of Christ and all people and animals that would be sought
out to be sacrificed or to be cursed.
Demonic beings (ascended masters) will be channeled on the 3 Full Moon Rituals coming up in April, May, and June at Ley Line Power Spots around the world. "Alien" Rituals and Entities explained in detail:
Praying Against the New Age and Ascended Masters
Heavenly Father, In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I loose warrior angels to do battle for us, and I bind and cast down the strongman and every stronghold of Satan over the New Age Movement.
I also bind and cast down all Principalities, Powers, Might, Kingdoms, Thrones, Dominions, Nobles,Princes, Kings, Rulers of Darkness who are driving the demonic forces behind this evil movement.
In Jesus Christ’s name, from my position in the third heaven, I bind and cast down all of the Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides.
Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus name that you instruct your angels to come by the legions to attack, bind and pull down the works of all of the Mind Control, Mind Occult and Mind Binding spirits.
In Jesus mighty name, I rebuke, bind and cast down all evil spirits working through Witchcraft, Sorcery,Divination and Necromancy.
I rebuke, bind and cast down all spirits working through Eastern Mysticism, Reincarnation, Transcendental Meditation, Soul Travel, Martial Arts and Yoga, in the name of Jesus Christ.
I rebuke, bind and cast down all wicked spirits working through Mantras, Tantra, Chakras, Maithuna Hatha Yoga, Mundra, Yantra, Ying and Yang, in Jesus’ name.
I bind, rebuke and cast down all the Familiar spirits which are being channeled through visualization, spirit guides, inner healing, ascended masters,
crystal helpers, bodiless spheres of light, dolphin deva and so called universal intelligence.
In the name of Jesus Christ I bind, rebuke, cast down and strip the powers from all of the New Age gods of Maitreya, Vishnu, Imam Mahad, “Christ” Sanat Kumana, Shiua, Astar Command, and the Kundalini.
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I also come against, bind and cast down the following spirits who are being “channeled”: Adept; Alexander; Alien Soul; Ascended Masters; Astar Command;
Basher; Celestial Seed; Crystal Woman; Divine Flame Holder; Divine Counterpart; Djwal Khul; Dr. Peebles; El Morya; Eleutheria; Enchantment; Enlightened Master; Emmanuel; Etherion; Fortuneteller;
Global Dreamer; Goddess; Guru; Healer; High Priest, Hilarion; Holy One; Initiate; Jaguar Woman; Jason; “Jesus”; John; Jonah; Konar; Kristos; Kuthumi; Lanto; Lazaris; Light Worker; Lilly; Maat; Mafu;
Magician; Master R; Master; Medicine Woman; Medicine Man Sorcerer; Medicine Man; Mentor; Mystic; Mystical Traveler; Old Chinese; Oracle; Orion; Power Woman; Prophet; Quan Yin; Ra; Ramtha; Saint;
Sananda; Savant; Seer; Seth; Shaman; Shepherd; Soli; Soothsayer; Soul Projection; St. Germain; Star Seed; Rainbow Warrior; Sunat Kumara; The Michael Entity; Visionary; Warlock; White Eagle;
Witch Doctor; Witch; Wizard; Xax; and Zosh.
Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray for your will in putting a lying spirit (I Kings 22:22,23; 2 Chron 18:21,22)
in the mouths of all the New Age prophets to bring utter confusion on the plans of the enemy. For myself, Heavenly Father, I pray that you would give me wisdom and knowledge concerning
what I can do to combat the New Age Movement and how to be an effective warrior and witness for Jesus Christ.
... Thank you Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit, amen.
End Of Prayer
- repeat daily, and is most effective during a full moon or holiday.
Spiritual Warfare Prayer: how to bind and loose:
Casting out
devils in Jesus name, watch the group deliverance video below:
Witches are sending the President and his supporters demons by performing rituals that place curses and spells on their victims.
Watch the witch interviewed in the video below, and then you see why we Christians need to protect ourselves and fight back with Warfare Prayers; watch "Laura Loomer interviews a witch":
Click On The Tracts Below To Read Them At Chick.com:
Notice: We that have this website, are adopted sons of God, and being so we were birthed into and so now are a part of Jesus Christs body, and he is the head of our body.
"He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit", and "we are seated with him together in heavenly places", and since Jesus Christ is the Son of God (the Creator) and the head of all principalities and powers,
this gives us Christians the authority of Jesus Christ, and through his name we fight back spiritually in defense of us and our website. This is to warn anyone of what will happen
if they send us any witchcraft (curses, spells, hexes, etc. - any rituals using words that send demons). They will all be sent back to all senders, "returned to sender". We speak this prayer every day, and "then some", as the Holy Spirit leads us.
In the name of Jesus Christ:
Upon any and all of Satan's children, including witches and wizards,
partaking or planning any evil work (curses, vex's, hex's,
spells, incantations, jinx's and the like) against this website and all
(God's children) associated with it and our families including every one
in these videos - we return all curses back to sender in the name of Jesus Christ, including all types and ranks of devils and
demons invoked by any curses, hex's, vexes, spells and
incantations. Psalms 109:17 "as he loved cursing, so let it come unto him". In the name of Jesus Christ we return all curses back to all senders.
In the
name of Jesus Christ we also loose upon these senders of evil giant angels to bind their strongmen and spirit guides. We also, in the name of Jesus Christ, send angels to cut all ungodly soul ties that these senders have with any other witch, and also to cut off all power that the senders get from any higher ranking devils in the second heaven.
We also, in the name of Jesus Christ, ask you Lord to send to them your Holy Spirit to lead them
to you Lord. Heavenly Father, in Jesus Christ's mighty name we ask you to
loose to
us powerful angels (Heb 1:14) to protect, hide and put a hedge of
protection around all of us who are involved in this website, ministry
and in these videos - every second, every hour and every day
continuously. Thank you Jesus.
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