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KJV Bible Dramatized AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

The power of the spoken word: Jesus said in John 6:63 "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life". Words create sonic vibrations, and they can be heard. When the Holy Bible is either read aloud, or played aloud through speakers of an amplifier, God will manifest his presence.

The Prince of the power of the air Eph 2:2, the Devil (was Lucifer, but now Satan), counterfeits what God does (when the Scriptures are being read aloud and the Spirit of God manifests) when evil words are diabolically spoken with rituals, spells, curses, etc, to summon evil spirits to steal, kill and destroy. Various methods are utilized, a good example is when witches read curses and spells from their Book Of Shadows they are summoning devils (demons) to give them favor and power. Other examples of summoning evil spirits include anyone playing (hearing) spellbound over-dubbed music with an embedded sub audio track (except mp3 format because it removes embedded rituals as noise) speaking a curse or spell, or evil witchcraft rituals that use the power of words to invoke devils. These various examples show us the incredible power of spoken words used for death and evil, but the supremely powerful spoken words of the Scriptures of God are Spirit and life.

"Click here" to open/download pdf of the 1611 King James Bible.

When the Holy Bible, the King James Bible Authorized English text, is played aloud, these are God's words, and they are spirit, and life. God's words are magnified above His name, therefore playing these aloud will produce AIR frequencies that are filled with God's spirit and life. These Shakespeare recordings are a blessing! They are wonderful and powerful in the way the words are spoken with the old British accent, and also hearing the excellent voice inflections help us understand the meanings of the verses, as the Holy Spirit magnifies, exalts and illuminates the Authorized English text.

Evil spirits will depart from the air, as these devils can't stand hearing the truth in the Scriptures as God's words are spoken!

Be blessed as these words pierce through the atmosphere! A dark, dead empty atmosphere in a room is filled with the joy of the Spirit of God within minutes as His words are being spoken and the presence of God abounds. Psalm 16:11 "...in Thy presence is fulness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore,".

Old Testament Bible

Genesis 1 - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

Psalms - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

Proverbs - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

Isaiah - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

Jeremiah - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

Jonah - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

New Testament Bible

Gospel of John - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

Romans - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

Philippians - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

Ephesians - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

Galatians - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

1st Corinthians - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

2nd Corinthians - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

Colossians - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

James - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

1st Peter - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

2nd Peter - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

1st John - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

2nd John - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

3rd John - KJV AUDIO by Royal Shakespeare Company

Bible = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Psalm 12:6 - 12:7 "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times, Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever."

2 Cor 2:17 "For we are not as many which corrupt the word of God"

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