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Mind Control and Deliverance

Actual Mind control is accomplished with "entities" - evil spirits or devils that will undertake their mission of controlling the mind by exerting their personality and substituting their thoughts for your thoughts, both audible and visual, via the carnal mind.

Read below a sample from the booklet Mind Control by Win Worley:

In the unsaved person, Mind control is extremely powerful due to the fact that the unsaved person has his CARNAL MIND (In the fleshly body) and his SOUL spiritually joined together (Lev 22:4-6), hence the mind control spirits have access to both body and soul. In an unsaved person, the sins he commits in the flesh are charged to his soul. Without the New Birth the unsaved person is legally a "child of the devil", and by his own power he cannot expel the mind control spirits, however he can still resist them, but it's a "hard road to hoe" filled with torment.

Read it now - download/open an ebook pdf copy of Win Worley pdf booklets here:


Devils (Demons) & The Effect Of Spiritual Circumcision Of Christians

In the Saved person, the saved SOUL is cut free from the sinful FLESH, so the mind control spirits cannot touch the SOUL, but they can still operate where Sin is: in the FLESHLY BODY, and attack the CARNAL MIND and Brain with thoughts. The only cure is to get rid of Mind Control. It is much easier than leaving them there and fighting with them constantly. But to do that we need to use Jesus name, so we need to "switch families" and get adopted by our creator by accepting his son's sacrifice for sin in place of us. This New Birth is an operation of God, and is a Spiritual Circumcision (Col 2:11), cutting away our sinful FLESHLY BODY and the mind control spirits from our saved SOUL. Now, as children of God, we can eliminate these evil beings from the mind, specifically from the CARNAL MIND located in the brain of the Spiritualy Circumcised fleshly body. This is accomplished with Deliverance, using the authority and power of the Lord Jesus Christ and his name.

Learn from Win Worley - read/download more complete Win Worley pdf booklets here:


God wants us to cast them out

The Christian's soul is fighting devils for dominion over his fleshly body

This video has helped many Christians get free from Mind Control: Mass Deliverance - simply follow along...

Learn about "Mind Control in America - Weapons Of Mass Distraction - Documentary":

Learn about "Mind Control - Fritz Springmeier":

Learn about "HAARP + CHEMTRAILS = MIND CONTROL By Leuren Moret":

Learn about "Mind Control and The New World Order":

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