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Bible Archeology


Ark Of The Covenant: download/open "pdf here", and/or watch detailed video:

Golgatha - "the place of a skull" and the Garden Tomb:


Ron Wyatt's great Bible discoveries:
Noahs Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, Mount Sinai, Red Sea Crossing, Ark Of Covenant EXCELLENT VIDEO:

In 1960, the magazine LIFE printed the photo below of a large, boat-like shape embedded in a fossilized mudflow of the southern end of the Ararat Mountain range, about 14 miles south of Mt. Ararat, in eastern Turkey:

Noah's Ark - In 1978 there was an earthquake in the local area where this oblong object was located. Shortly after, Ron Wyatt and crew began a series of expeditions to the site to investigate the object and to gather information to determine if this was Noah’s Ark. What Ron Wyatt found was an oblong object with raised edges that had been separated from the surrounding mud formation by the 1978 earthquake and it was clearly the shape of a ship. In the background is a mountain range in the nation of Iran.

Noahs Ark: download/open "pdf here", and/or watch detailed video:

The Great Flood

Proof Of The Great Flood; Seminar displaying evidence that the Bible is right again, entitled: "The Killing of Paradise Planet":

Sodom and Gomorrah: download/open "pdf here", and/or watch detailed video:



Red Sea Crossing: download/open "pdf here", and/or watch detailed video:


Fake Red Sea Crossing map - used in the corrupt "bibles" to make a liar out of God, as the Bible says they CROSSED the Red Sea, but the unbelieving scholars lie with this map and draw them going AROUND the Red Sea:

Real Red Sea Crossing map:

The two Red Sea Crossing pillars, one on each side:

Egyptian Chariot wheel in bottom of Red Sea:

The rock at Horeb where water came out of the rock:

Pre-Flood Advanced Technology (The Law Of Human Collapse):

Josephs Coffin:

Creation Story In The Star Signs:


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