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Deductive and Inductive Reasoning

Inductive Reasoning is used by wicked men to attempt to prove a lie. They will construct false propositions to attempt to prove that a general rule is not true, such as the Bible's account of Creation. An example is: evolutionists used one TOOTH from an extinct pig to build the fake "Nebraska Man", in a desperate attempt to prove their unsound theory of evolution. It is like having only one piece of a jigsaw puzzle, and trying to imagine what the unknown completed picture would look like. It takes a little over one minute in the "quick clip" video below for Dr Ruckman to simply explain how it's done - listen below:

"Deductive and Inductive Reasoning - "Which Bible Would Jesus Use? Jack McElroy - pages 220-221"

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning - "Warriner's English Grammer And Composition" pages 402-409

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