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Prayer Walking, Cleansing Haunted Places and Remitting Sins

Prayer Walking

Henry Gruver from an Omegaman interview:

"And this is where my prayer walking journey began. I couldn't get people interested enough to take a tract. And I cried out to the Lord that night. And I said, Lord, this is not working. I've made a vow to you that I cannot keep. And all mighty God, I don't know what to do.

And that night the Lord spoke to me.

So clear, I can't say audibly. He spoke to my spirit. But when He speaks to me like that, it doesn't have to be audible. Let me tell you. And here's what He said to me.

He said, I will give you peace. He said, start walking. That's the first time in my life that I can recall the Lord ever told me to walk.
Start walking. I'll give you peace. And I'll give you a song. If at any time you lose the peace or the song, go back and find it. Never go beyond peace. Never go beyond peace.

And so I thought, oh, that's easy. That's easy. Anybody could do that. Let me tell you, the Lord allowed me to go through a test that night teaching me one of the most valuable lessons I've ever learned in my life. And something that I still practice 51 years later to this day."

Cleansing Haunted Places

Houses and land that are haunted always have curses on them that must be broken by the authority of Jesus Christ. Accident prone spots along highways with wreaths commemorating loved ones that died in a car accident are prime examples. Where blood has been spilled and death has resulted, there will be evil spirits there that will look to create more accidents with passers by that have the sin that the evil spirits need to induce an accident. It is the same with haunted houses, they are haunted by evil spirits because some wicked sin has been committed there. All the paranormal TV shows, Horror movies, Monster movies, books and magazines promote the anti-biblical lie that people can become ghosts when they die. The Bible is clear in that a person never becomes a ghost. In the Bible "ghosts" are revealed as evil spirits. A big lie they promote is that a ghost is the spirit of a dead person that died tragically, usually murder or suicide, and now he/she haunts the place of death and cannot "cross over" to "the other side".

This big lie is a satanic plan to condition people into not believing the Bible about death, or much less anything, as Bible doctrines about death are never compared with any paranormal beliefs. It is meant to trick people into believing this lie as truth so that when they die Satan gets their souls.

This is what the Bible says about death: when we die we either go up to Heaven and be with God, OR go down to Hell and then the Lake Of Fire and be with Satan, his angels and his devils.

Learn how to cleanse your own home and car, haunted houses and cursed highway spots:

These homes and highway spots need to be "cleansed" by the blood of Jesus. Henry Gruver shows us how to do it, as he has prayer Walked and cleansed many places like these, including many High Places. His book "Cross + Wise - A Prayer Walkers Handbook" is presented below in it's entirety, and in it Henry explains in detail how it is done. Download pdf ebook or scroll down below the videos to see the book.

Here is a general cleansing prayer, by Henry Gruver from an Omegaman interview, that can be customized for cleansing evil spirits, or "ghosts" from cursed, or "haunted" homes, highway spots and high places:

"Fast and pray, then ask God to forgive you of any sin known or unknown before doing any warfare, because we do not understand how holy and pure God is, then Eph 6 put on the whole armor of God, then pray in Jesus name to Father God for protection for you, family, helping christians and others both near and far away, protect us against any distraction, diversion or attack of the enemy, ask for God’s angels of the Lord to be encamped around you to be shielded, then you go by faith, and exercise your senses, and any bad thoughts that come to your mind is coming from the devil (not you), remit those sins back to as many generations as need be to when the sin was first committed (anything wicked, lewd, vile, corrupt or murderous act) take dominion over the altar (area) and render the power of them and the manifestation of them, powerless, and in the name of Jesus through the power of the shed blood of Jesus and his body, mind and spirit of the Lord, I remit the sins of those who did this, remit the sin of bitterness of the victims, and I also remit the sins of the descendants still living today, because the sin remains until the blood of Jesus is applied to it to the first sin by thought, word, deed or gesture and those living today and pour out God’s love and goodness on the living. Then you can loudly declare in the name Jesus, blood, body, mind and spirit of Jesus, I now declare this area cleansed, and in Jesus name, if come again you will face the shed blood of Jesus and his body, mind and spirit and either repent or flee from this evil purpose never to return for evil purpose then sing praise and worship over the site"

Wiccan High Priests get saved and delivered from evil spirits - Henry Gruver

Remitting Sins - be a Remitter not a Retainer

"I was a very shy 18-year-old. But one night as I was walking, there on skid row, that's the only place I could find people. As I was walking, the Lord spoke to me, and he said these words, Henry, you're afraid to talk to people about me, aren't you? And it was true. Sure I had said to the young man, you know, that Jesus loved him. That didn't take a lot of nerve. But it was very hard. I yet did not have the boldness to walk up to a person and talk to them. I could walk up to them and reach out to them to give them a tract, but to converse with them, I was afraid. And so I had no boldness.

And so the Lord said that to me that night. Henry, you're afraid to talk to people about me, aren't you? And I took a tract in my hand and I'll never forget that night. I held it up up in the air and I looked up and I said, "Yes, Lord, I am. I'm afraid to talk to people about you, but I'm not ashamed of you or I wouldn't be out here handing these tracts out." And you know what the Lord said to me? Something so precious. He didn't condemn me.

He said, "I know, I know you're afraid to talk to people about me, but will you talk to me about people?" And I'll never forget what I said. I felt so dumb, typical 18-year-old. I looked up and I said, "You mean pray for people?" And then I slapped my forehead and said, "Duh, talking to God is praying, Henry, you dummy." And then I looked up and I said, "Yes, Lord, I can do that."

And he spoke to me and he said, "The moment you lay eyes on a person to hand them a tract, start talking to me about whatever comes to your mind." And that was where I first began learning that principle, "Don't take it personally." Take every thought to the Father."

Remitting Sins

Luke 23:34 "Then said Jesus, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. "

Acts 7:60 "And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep."

John 20:23 "Then said Jesus, ""Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained."

II Cor 2:10-11 "To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ; Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices."

Rom 3:25-26 "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus."

Romans 2:4 “...Despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?”

Mat 9:38 "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."

Henry Gruver - Prayer Walking, Pulling Down Strongholds and Remitting Sins

Henry Gruver - Part 2 - Q & A - Prayer Walking, Pulling Down Strongholds and Remitting Sins

Henry Gruver -Prayer Walker-- The Power of Remitting Sins and Reconciliation - session 1 - 07-27-2013

Henry Gruver - Our Call to Intercession Through Remittance of Sin - session 2 - 07-27-2013

Henry Gruver - Interview: Amazing Encounters with Angels & Demons - Henry Gruver on Sid Roths It's Supernatural

Remitting Sins and Prayer Walking Instructions - Start in your own home...your property and the surrounding grounds - instructions below in Henry's book:

"Cross-Wise - A Prayer Walkers Handbook" - by Henry Gruver. Click on the picture below to download the complete pdf book:

Click here for page 2 of Prayer Walking and Remitting Sins containing the complete "Cross-Wise - A Prayer Walkers Handbook" - by Henry Gruver




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