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Dr Peter Ruckman - RARE Romans Study (NOT Bookstore Version)
This commentary is unlike any other commentary from the "scholars". Incredible revelations are contained herein, check it out and be blessed!
Partial transcripts of some of these excellent Romans commentaries are presented below each corresponding video.
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #1
Romans 1:1 - 8
Partial transcription from beginning of
Romans 1:1 - 1:8:
book of Romans
is one of the greatest, if not the greatest book in the New Testament, defining Christian doctrine.
And as a matter of fact, there is a very easy way for the Christian to discern between the false and the true in New Testament doctrine
by observing where a preacher or scholar or a teacher starts in his basic definition of theological terms.
Now by that I mean this. The
book of Acts
is a poor starting place. The book of Matthew is a poor starting place when we are discussing the doctrines of salvation.
And you may have noticed that nearly every sect or cult in the United States and abroad that tries to weigh-lay the believer and draw him aside in a doubtful disputation and getting him to doubt
the great doctrines of eternal security and the second coming of Christ always begin their basic root foundations of the theology in
Matthew, Acts, or Hebrews
The great basic truth of salvation are not in
Matthew, Acts, and Hebrews
. Now you can find, don't misunderstand me, you can find verses in these epistles and gospels that deal with salvation
and you can find the great evangelical truths of the New Testament taught in certain places in these books. But the root, bedrock foundation of New Testament truth,
where it touches the doctrines of salvation are found in the
book of Romans
the book of Ephesians
the book of Colossians
. And that will be apparent as we study.
In plainer words the Holy Spirit will always lead a man to interpret an obscure verse in the light of a clear one. The Holy Spirit never led any man, saved or unsaved, to interpret a clear verse in the light of an obscure one.
And so in dealing with people who misrepresent the Bible and quote scripture to their own private purposes and for purposes of private interpretation, the Bible believing Christian should adjust himself to this great fact
that the man who was out to distort the Bible and wrest it to his own destruction, as
2nd Peter
says in
Second Peter chapter 3
, always begins with an obscure verse and tries to jam the clear verses into the obscure context.
Now the
gospel of John
is the clearest of the three gospels. And of the Pauline epistles,
the book of Romans
is the clearest where it deals with the great evangelical doctrines of salvation."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #2
Romans 1:9 - 17
Partial transcription of
Romans 1:9 - 17:
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
For therein, in what? What's the antecedent? The gospel. For therein, in the gospel, the gospel contains it. For therein, for therein, for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith,
as it is written, the just shall live by faith.
Then this epistle is going to deal with a tremendous theme, the righteousness of God.
It is this righteousness that is freely imputed to the believing sinner. It is this righteousness that is given to the sinner who exercises faith and obeys the gospel.
This righteousness of God is what justifies the condemned sinner. And this is what the book of Romans is about. This righteousness of God is what is revealed in the gospel.
Jesus lived a perfect life, died a perfect death and offered a perfect sacrifice which made a perfect atonement. It is God's righteousness against your righteousness.
Romans 10, 1 to 3
and the basic difference on this earth between men and women, boys and girls, old and young, black and white, yellow and brown is not a matter of sex, age, race, breeding, upbringing, station, and life.
It is some people are trusting God's righteousness to justify them instead of their own. And the majority in any age will be trusting their own righteousness.
I hope you are not one of the majority on the broadway. And the further we get into Romans, the more we'll see that this is the real only true distinction between men.
For as far as sin is concerned,
Romans 1, 2 and 3
include and conclude everybody under sin, and leave no way out,
but for the sinner to accept, as a free gift, the righteousness of God."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #3
Romans 1:17 - 24
Partial transcription from beginning of
Romans 1:17 - 24:
"Now we're dealing with
Romans chapter 1
in the New Testament. If there's one thing that
Romans chapter 1
teaches, it teaches that the Gentile nations,
the mass of Europeans, Asiatic's, Africans, and North and South Americans are in a mess.
This isn't a very homological outline, and probably couldn't qualify as a great work of art.
But to put it in colloquial Americana,
Romans 1
teaches the Gentiles are in a mess,
Romans 2
teaches the Jews are in the same mess.
Romans chapter 3
shows that law and the conscience,
following your conscience, fail to solve the mess, and
chapter 4
shows that God's righteousness is the answer to the mess. That isn't a very great work of theological art, but that's about the sum of the matter.
Romans 1:17
"for therein", speaking of the gospel, which we have defined in our first study. "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith,
as it is written, the just shall live by faith." Now here's one place where the writers of the so-called Septuagint forgot to change the verse. The verse that Paul is quoting,
he's quoting from
And although Origin and the phony scribes of Alexandria, 200 years after the time of Christ, rewrote the Old Testament in Greek to make it match the New Testament,
so people would think there was a Septuagint written before the time of Christ. They forgot this passage here, and in any copy of the so-called Septuagint and all the copies extent,
are written many, many years after the New Testament was completed, failed to notice the emission of the word "his" from the quotation. In
Habakkuk 2:43
we read "Behold his soul, which is lifted up,
is not upright in him, but the just shall live by his faith." The insertion of the word "his" makes the difference. In
we read not the just shall live by his faith, but merely the just shall live by faith.
The major commentators are strangely silent on this disparagement, or this lack of congruity in the two quotations. And yet the emission is most significant. For the word "faith" occurs 300 times in the New Testament,
and it only occurs in the Old Testament two times. Once in
Deuteronomy 33:20
and once in
Habakkuk 2
, with all the heroes of the faith mentioned in
Hebrews chapter 11
, you would think the Old Testament laid more emphasis on faith than two times,
but two times is the sum total of times the word is mentioned in the Old Testament.
There then is clearly a difference between the faith of the Old Testament and the faith of the New Testament. And although the righteousness of God was revealed in the Old Testament,
and we'll see this when we get studying
Romans 10:5
, it is a different kind of faith. Notice in
Romans 10:5
, Moses described the righteousness which is of the law, and in
Romans 10:6
but the righteousness which is of faith. Now in the Old Testament the man's faith was self-manufactured, and this is what James was speaking of when he talks about a man being justified by faith as well as works.
He's talking about human, man-made, man-wraught faith. Hence the faith is attributed to the sinner, the just shall live by his faith. But in the New Testament you'll find that saving faith is not attributed to the sinner at all.
Ephesians 2
you read, "By grace are you saved through faith, comma, and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works, less than a man should boast.
We will see when we get to
Romans 10
that God gives any man and every man enough faith to believe the gospel. The word is nigh, it's near his heart, it's in his mouth,
the word of faith which we preach. And we'll study that more when we get to
Romans 10
. There is a great difference between faith in the New Testament and faith in the Old Testament,
although the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith. We find the righteousness of God clearly revealed in the Old Testament, in and under the Old Testament faith, and clearly in the New Testament."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #4 and #5
Romans 1:25 - 2:10
Partial transcription of
Romans 2:4-10:
"Romans 2, verse 3,
"And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?"
Then the statement, "O man", is aimed at an unsaved man who is judging other people. It is not aimed at a Christian at all who is telling a man that he's lost if he doesn't accept Jesus Christ,
although this is the perversion of the passage given by the liberals, and like Eugene Carson Blake and Bishop Pike and Potiate and other gentlemen.
The passage is written to an unsaved man who instead of getting right and instead of repenting is sitting around talking about the hypocrites in the church that do this and that and the other thing."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #6 and #7
Romans 2:11 - 15
Partial transcription from beginning of
Romans 2:11-15:
"Now, continuing on with this dissertation on "Where do the Heathen Go?", We should go back over our ground and notice we've learned several things. First of all, we have learned that the Heathen, that is the mass of Gentile people anywhere,
outside of Jesus Christ, are lost. Next we've learned if any of these people desired the truth and seek for the truth. And notice the contrast.
Verse 8
, With those who do not obey the truth. The man who seeks the truth gets the truth.
Thirdly, we have learned that God will get the truth or a missionary to a man who is seeking for the truth. And of course his main problem is with the missionary.
Verse 12
, "For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law."
Now that's a finalized statement on the condition of the unsaved Gentile masses. The statement does not say if they're outside the law, they're safe.
The statement says, "As many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law." And as many referring to Israel, "As many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law." And here's the information that
the Jew and the Gentile are both in the same boat. And if there's any doubt in your mind as to false intention in what is writing, all doubt is dispelled in the next ten verses. For up pops the Jew in
verse 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21
and he is said to be in the same boat with the Gentile. Outside of Christ they're both lost. And they perish. Notice that if a man doesn't have the law, as many as have sinned without the law, he's judged by his conscience.
Verse 14, "For when the Gentiles which have not the law," you see the connection? You see the King James Bible is very simple and very clear and very profound and very deep and very critical and very analytical.
You never have to abandon it for the Greek to find out anything really. Notice how the statements tie together. Verse 12, "Without the law," verse 14, "which have not the law,"
verse 14
, "when the Gentiles which have not the law, do by nature."
We discussed this matter of natural things back in
Romans chapter 1, verse 26
. Due by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law are a law unto themselves which show the work of the law.
That is, the law was not confined to the ten tables of stone, all of the two tables of stone with the ten on them, rather. The law is universal. It's written in the heart which show the work of the law written in their hearts,
their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts, the meanwhile, accusing or else excusing one another, in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel."
Notice the parenthesis which ends at
verse 15
, began at
verse 13
. And outside the parenthetical material we read as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law in the day.
When God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. Now this material together with one or two other verses should give us a clear insight in the condition of unsaved men,
any place they show up in history under any age at any time.
We should take these verses and with them we need two other verses.
Chapter 4, verse 15
, "Because the law worketh wrath for where no law is," notice that very carefully, "there is no transgression."
Now coupling this with
chapter 5:13
, we read, "For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law." Now let's get these together.
First of all, God doesn't charge a man with sin where there is no law. Sin is not imputed where there is no law. I suppose that's why some people want to be lawless and have an anarchy
and do way with all law so they can claim their innocence. Again, in
chapter 4:15
, the law worketh wrath for where no law is, there is no transgression, hence the hitherto philosophy of Dave Gardner.
Do way with all morals, then nobody will be immoral. Do way with all laws, then nobody will break any. It makes nice talk, you know, for a lawless audience.
But don't forget the other verses, which say, "having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts".
In plainer words, "You can't play innocent if you're not. You can't play ignorance if you know better. You can't go around hiding by the heathen and saying,
'What about the folks that don't know when you know?' And basically this is what is taught in history of religions and courses in religious philosophy.
All they do is get the gullible student into a high school or a college, and by showing him all the other religions that don't agree with him,
they plant the thought into his mind that these people don't know so God couldn't send them to hell because of their ignorance. And of course that is ignorance on the part of the professor or the writer,
for these people have the work of the law written in their hearts."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #8 and #9
Romans 3:4-9
Partial transcription from beginning of
Romans 3:4-9:
"Now we have come upon one of the great verses in the Bible. And of course when I say that, I'm aware of the fact that there are hundreds of great verses and would be impossible to sort out the best from the not so best,
which isn't very good English, but it's the truth. And among the verses of the Bible and chapters of the Bible, there are certain passages and verses that are outstanding for their content and their shocking power
and their revealing power. Now this is one of those verses.
This verse says, "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar". When a man tells you I can't believe the Bible, you answer, "What if some did not believe, shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
Let God be true, but every man a liar." Now every man includes every man. There are no exceptions. I think some of the great men I've read, great in the eyes of the world, some of the Christians celebrities,
have a peculiar idea that their linguistic ability, and knowledge of etymology equips them to correct the Word of God and all of the truth.
But the text says, "Let God be true, but every man a liar."
When corrupt Bibles like the New American Standard version,
say that Joseph was Christ's father in
Luke 2:33
, and omit the blood in
Colossians 1:14
, and alter the Son of God to the Son of Man in
John chapter 9
and change the Judgement seat of Christ into the Judgement Seat of God in the
Book of Romans
, we are now dealing with the corruptions and corrupt scribes
and corrupt men and corrupt manuscripts. Now the fact that these men profess to believe in the Bible, or the fact they profess to believe in the virgin birth
and the bodily resurrection means nothing in view of our text. Our text says, "Let God be true, but every man a liar." And as far as I personally am concerned, where you cross the book, I cross you out.
And I would say that if I was talking to a Ph.D. with ten years of seminary education, I would say that if I was talking to
Dr. Robert Dick Wilson, and the fact that he could speak read, write, and teach more than twenty-six different languages would mean absolutely nothing to me whatsoever one way or another.
And I do not derive this attitude from egotism, or from a bolder sense of mountain superiority, but from the truth of the Word of God that says when it comes to a scriptural showdown,
the book is right and you're wrong. And if one hundred percent of the commentators and one hundred percent of the commentaries say one thing and the Bible says the other, then one hundred percent are an error.
Let God be true, but every man a liar.
And if every major leading renowned scholar in the entire world of every persuasion agreed that the last clause in the so-called Lord's Prayer in
Matthew 6
should not be there,
"Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory of forever, amen". It wouldn't mean anything at all one way or another. And the fact that there was one hundred percent agreement wouldn't mean anything
except there are some cases where every man is a liar. And that's what the text says. "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings,
and mightest overcome when thou art judged". Notice the switch from the active to the passive. Being justified and might overcome when Thou, God, when Thou art judged. what? God's going to be judged.
That's what the verse said. A fellow said the Greek says, yeah but you're a liar. You see that's your problem. The Bible says in
the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church.
There isn't one modern Greek scholar in the world that doesn't change the word "gate" there to power. But the word there for gate is the word for gate. Not power.
What does this mean? This means the hundred percent are an error. And you should get accustomed to this kind of thing. Now Paul is quoting David, who in his great penitential Psalms, Psalm 51 verse 4, says
"against thee", referring to God, "Thee only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight, but Thou mightest be justified when Thou speakest and be cleared, when Thou judgest, active voice.
But when the Holy Spirit leads Paul to wright, he puts it in the passive voice, "When Thou art judged." Now, I am sure if the corrupt faculty at the corrupt Alexandria and Christian college at
Alexandria had gotten a hold of this passage and found it in time, they would have altered Psalm 51 to read in the passive voice, with Paul, so you would think that Paul was quoting a Greek Septuagint.
And of course they succeeded in doing that admirably. And the fact that 95% of the scholars think that the quotations in the New Testament that matched the Greek Septuagint were taken from the
Greek Septuagint doesn't mean anything except many times a hundred percent are lying, let alone 95.
The Septuagint was simply a Greek Old Testament written long after the time of Jesus Christ, in which Aquila, Siniaticus, Origin, Theodotian, went back and altered the Hebrew text
to match the New Testament quotations, so some of you would be dumb enough to think that Jesus Christ and the Apostles used a Greek Old Testament, and of course we don't have time to go into that in detail
in our commentary on Romans, but you'll find a lengthy dissertation in the Christian's Handbook Of Manuscript Evidence under the chapter on the Mythological Septuagint or the Mythological LXX,
and of course you will find abundant demonstrations of the kind of Tom Foolery that goes on in the Septuagint in that work.
That thou might as be justified by sayings,
"that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged,". Do you mean to tell me that somebody is gong to judge God? Yes. That's what the text says,
and the text says the oracles were written so God could put them on a man when a man tried to judge him. It's bad enough for man to judge man, but imagine men judging God.
Imagine a man, a puny little man sitting down and saying, "This verse doesn't belong in ...", this passage here doesn't belong in ...", "although this language is majestic ...",
"the original meaning which is true to the original Greek should be ...", your full of beans. You're not paying any attention to the book that God used.
This is the book the Holy Spirit used, not the original. Why, bless your soul, If you know anything about church history, you know there have been more souls saved under the preaching and teaching of a
King James Bible, than were ever saved under the original autographs, and they're still being saved after nearly 400 years. That thou "mightest overcome when thou art judged", men are going to try to judge God.
In the day of judgment, a man is going to stand up and say, "What about the heathen that never heard?" It is written. "What about those that never had a chance?" It is written.
"How come I wasn't one of the elect?" It is written, and bless your soul not one time will the Almighty say, "A clearer meaning should be ...", or "it is rather unfortunate in the Bible you have ...",
"The verb tense is rendered in the ...", don't you kid yourself, in Luke 4, Jesus Christ never talked that way one time, and when he was accosted by the devil and the devil tried to judge him, he said,
"It is written". "It is written". "It is written." Not one time did he say "a better translation should be ...", "in the original it reads ...", and not once did he refer to his ability to interpret the originals.
That's the work of jaded, egotistical, bloated flesh-pots that want to usurp the authority of the Holy Spirit, and usurp it with their own authority and put themselves down as the authority,
instead of the author of the book.
You never heard Peter, James, John, or Paul talk like that in your life, and when you hear a man talk like that, you're not listening to a Bible believer talk.
Bible believers don't talk that way.
Men are going to judge God. They're going to say, "I don't deserve to go to hell". "You can't send me to hell". "What have I done wrong?", "I don't deserve this." "My punishment is greater than I can bear".
Remember Cain? They're going to stand up and have their say, and when they get through, when they get through their mouths are going to be stopped. The whole world will become guilty before God, verse 19,
and when God gets through on that final day of reckoning, asking those questions, no man will have anymore more to say, and don't you think for a minute, that the creator of the universe, the divine,
omniscient, omnipotent creator, the everlasting I am, will condemn you without good grounds for doing it. You may have gotten a raw deal in a circuit court or a probate court, or a district court,
but you'll get what you have coming to your there, friend, and as we said in our earlier comments and Romans, "What you need is not justice,what you need is mercy. Mercy.
You may review for this matter, in the comments which we made back in
Romans chapter 1, verse 29 to 32.
So when man stands before God, the Lord is going to give every man an ample opportunity to
defend himself and speak his peace, and then you're going to see these great humanitarian socialists, these great anthropologists, these great archaeologists, and geologists, and nuclear physicists,
stand up and demonstrate their knowledge, and my, what a tragic day it's going to be, and let no man deceive you, when you stand out there in outer space,
Revelation 20
, with nothing under your feet,
see our commentary on
Revelation chapter 20
, the volumes on that commentary from
Revelation 20
, with nothing under your feet, but open space for 20 billion light years, and facing the light so bright,
no man can approach unto it, and give an account for your sins, you're going to be surprised how little you're going to have to say."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #10 and #11
Romans 3:10-31
Partial transcription from
Romans 3:24 - 31:
"We pointed out that one of the highlights of the book of Romans was the appearance of the words that describe the great doctrines of New Testament salvation,
such words as salvation itself ending in t-i-o-n. Adoption, justification, sanctification, redemption, and in this case, propitiation, and before justification. Propitiation,
a propitiation is a payment, but more than that it's a payment which reconciles two opposing parties, when you propitiate a man you set him at ease. And thus we find a number of terms in regards to salvation,
that deal with different phases of salvation.
Now the average Christian is totally ignorant of these terms, and especially among the holyness people, and of course many of these people are dear Christians and trust the Lord,
there is a remarkable amount of ignorance regarding the doctrines of salvation. For example, redemption is not propitiation. Propitiation is not justification, justification is not salvation.
Salvation is not sanctification, sanctification is not adoption. These are Bible terms and Bible words which the Holy Spirit Himself uses to describe the exact details of the transaction that takes place
when a sinner received Jesus Christ as a Savior.
For example, when the sinner received Jesus Christ as a Savior, the soul is cut loose from the body and placed into Jesus Christ. This operation saves the soul, not the body,
and this is spiritual, salvation. The soul is saved, not the body. Then again we find a term redemption. Redemption refers to a payment made for the sinner in the sinner's place,
and this payment buys back lost property. Redemption is the work of Jesus Christ, who made the payment in Calvary's Cross, and bought back the possession and purchased the possession.
At the day of redemption the possession will be opened and will be totally the Lord's body, soul, and spirit. Whereas the soul is redeemed now, we are waiting for the redemption of our body in the future.
And Paul is very careful to tell you this in
Romans 8
, when he speaks about the redemption of the body.
Romans 8, verse 23
, Propitiation is a payment made to placate or satisfy one or more parties in a dispute, and differs from redemption in that redemption is a buying back of something that was lost,
stolen, borrowed, or sold. Propitiation has to do with the feelings in regard to the piece of property. Expiation has to do with a purging out or a cleansing of an object.
Sanctification has to do with a setting apart of an object. Justification is a judicial act of God, whereby God declares the sinner to be righteous, and this act is done by imputation.
Thus the great evangelistic doctrines of salvation are connected with words like imputation, justification, adoption, sanctification, and these are the words that are missing from modern America,
America's vocabulary. Why? Because America is going to hell. That's why."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #12 and #13
Romans 4:1-25
Partial transcription from beginning of #13
Romans 4:9-25:
"In our previous study, we learned how to reconcile the passages in Romans
chapter 4
, that deal with Abraham's justification, and the passages in
James 2
, which professed to deal with the same theme.
We saw the difference in approach between these two men, in their handling of the theme of justification. Then we came down to
verse 8
, where we discussed imputed righteousness and the imputation of sin.
Paul continues in
verse 9
with these words, "Cometh this blessedness" And the blessedness, of course, is a reference to
verse 6
David describes the blessedness of the man under whom God imputed righteousness without works.
"Cometh this blessedness". The blessedness of having sin charged to some place else and righteousness charged to you without works.
"Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only", the Jew, "or upon the un-circumcision also", the Gentile. for "we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness",
and of course it was reckoned to him in righteousness in
Genesis 15
. But in
Genesis 15
, Abraham had not yet been circumcised. So we read in
verse 10
, "How was it then reckoned?"
That is, How was faith reckoned Abraham for righteousness? How? When he was in circumcision,
Genesis 18
, or in un-circumcision,
Genesis 15
? "Not in circumcision, but in un-circumcision".
The faith was reckoned as righteousness toAbraham before he was circumcised, and it's perfectly clear from the account given in
Genesis 15.
Genesis 15, verse 6,
"We read about the imputated righteousness, and it is not until we get to
Genesis 17
, that we read anything about circumcision.
So Paul says, "Not in circumcision, but in un-circumcision." When he Abraham, watched it carefully, received the sign of circumcision, the Jew seeks for a sign.
Circumcision was a sign. Now everyone might be able to find similarities between circumcision and water baptism. One must be very careful.
For nowhere in the Bible is water baptism ever said to be a sign. It said to be a figure, but not a sign. And this is very important for many of the ultra-dispensationalists,
trying to get rid of water baptism in this age, by claiming that it is to be classified with such signs as the sign of tongues, healing, and miracles,
given to the apostles by Christ for a Jewish ministry in the book of Acts. And of course this will not hold up, or as they say out in the country, it won't hold water.
Now you have to have a baptismal pool to hold water, but water baptism is never spoken of as a sign anywhere in the Bible. It's a figure. But circumcision is a sign.
He received the sign of circumcision, a seal, of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being un- circumcised, that he might be the father of all them that believe,
though they be not circumcised. That is, the Gentiles are included too."
That righteousness might be imputed unto them also, and the father of circumcision, the first man too whom the covenant of circumcision was given in
Genesis 17
, and the father of circumcision to them
who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham which he had being yet un-circumcised. And this is saying that the faith that Abraham placed in God
is the faith that anybody could place in God. And I must remind our infidels and skeptics at this point that Abraham had no Bible and had no gospel preacher and had no Ten Commandments and had no scripture.
You say, "What about the American Indian that ...", yes, you have a problem there, don't you? I mean, poor old Joe Smith had to fix the American Indian up for the Bible.
A lot of work for nothing, Joe. A lot of time wasted. The Lord appeared to these heathen people back in the old days in visions, and spoke to them.
Noah walked with God,
and he didn't have any scripture. You see, you get in the biggest mess when you try to fool with God's Word, you just go messing. And you just go trying to get around what the Bible says about the heathen in
Romans chapter 1 and chapter 2
that we took you through and studied very carefully in detail, and you'll sure get in one flat footed mess. Abraham exercised saving faith in God, exercised imputed righteousness,
without a Bible, a gospel preacher, the atonement, the crucifixion, the apostles, or a preacher. Therefore, he's a type and stands in type for anybody who can believe what God said.
And notice the statement was, he believed what God said about the stars. And it was imputed him for righteousness. For doing what, for believing what God said. See, not just believing in God, or about God.
Believing what God said, you remember Cain, believed in God, but he didn't believe God. Now pray about that a while.
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #14 and #15
Romans 5:1 - 7
Partial transcription from beginning of
Romans 5:1-7:
"Now in
chapter 4,
Paul has given the Romans a perfect illustration of justification by faith by referring to the salvation of Abraham and the Old Testament.
And here, of course, we've discussed the great doctrines of imputed righteousness and imputed sin, and the matter of faith in imputation.
When we get to
Romans chapter 5,
, Paul goes back a step, and instead of tracing the matter of sin and death back to Abraham, this time he goes clear back to Adam.
The careful student of Scripture, who pays attention to the English Bible, has observed the peculiar similarity between this approach and that of the gospels.
In Matthew, the gospel traces Christ back to Abraham in Matthew's gospel. But in Luke's gospel, Jesus Christ is traced back to Adam. So when Paul writes in
chapter 4,
, matching Matthew's gospel, he goes back to Abraham.
But when he gets to
chapter 5,
, he goes back to Adam.
We may say that
chapter 1 in Romans
shows the Gentiles are in a mess.
Chapter 2,
shows the Jews are in the same mess.
Chapter 3,
shows that law and conscience failed to resolve the mess.
Chapter 4,
shows that God's righteousness is the answer.
And when we come to
chapter 5,
we find out why God's righteousness is the answer, because it covers everything from Adam right down to the present.
On the first man, Adam to the last man, Adam, the second Adam, God's righteousness is the issue. Now, to the reader who reads the book of Genesis, this is more than apparent.
For before the Holy Spirit has written four chapters, he has finished the matter of religion with ten verses. There are ten verses in the
fourth chapter of Genesis
which sum up everything that anybody ever found out about any religion in the world. There are two religions, God's and man's. You have your own righteousness or you have God's righteousness. And that's the long and short of it."
chapter 5,
shows how God's righteousness is the answer, because God's righteousness is the only righteousness that will save a man from Adam right on through."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #16 -
Romans 5:16 - 6:2
Partial transcriptions from
Romans 5:16 - 6:2:
"All right.
Romans 6
. Now we're getting practical, we've been talking doctrine, doctrine, doctrine, and yet Paul mentioned something practical when he got the
Romans chapter five,
verses one to five
. And now he comes back on the practical side once again, and in
Romans chapter six
he's dealing with Christ's death and the death of the Christian,
Romans chapter seven
he's dealing with the law and the death of the Christian, and in
chapter eight
he's dealing with the death of the Christian and future life.
Now I realize that's not much of an outline and I'm not very good at outlining and organizing.
I've noticed when you go to these schools,
they teach you about the Bible, they don't teach you the Bible. They teach you outlines, but don't teach you what the book says, and when you get to what it says,
they spend too much time correcting it, that when you get through you don't know what it said anyway.
So my outline is very crude. In
chapter six
we have the death of the Christian related to Christ death, in
chapter seven
we have the death of the Christian related to the law,
and in
chapter eight
we have the death of the Christian related to the future life. So here we go into a study of the death of the Christian,
as it is related to Christ death."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"The majority of scholars in any age of any persuasion, the leading critics of any persuasion, missed the passage in
Colossians chapter two verse 11 and 12
Colossians two 11 and 12
, we learn when the Christian is saved, he's cut loose from the body of this death, the body of sins, and he's no longer in sins, he's in Christ.
He's in Christ, the Spirit of God dwells in him, he's no longer in the body in the flesh, but he's in spirit and you are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be the spirit of God dwell in you,
and if Christ be in you the body is dead,
Romans eight ten
, dead dead dead dead dead because of sin.
Now you understand why I said a Christian is a live spirit, and a dead body.
The un-saved man is a dead spirit and a live body. My reason for saying that is that was the opinion of the Holy Spirit who wrote the Book. That's an infallible ex-cathedra statement from a King James Bible.
Your body is dead. Paul said I'm crucified with Christ, never the less, contradiction, I live, contradiction, but not I, contradiction, it is Christ that liveth in me, and so forth and so on,
and the life that I now live I live by the faith of the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. The Christian has a dead body, from which he's been cut loose, he is no longer in the flesh,
even though he's in the flesh geographically, he's not in the flesh spiritually. You say, "well how do you get geographically? simple,
second Corinthians ten three
says "though we walk in the flesh,
we do not war after the flesh". Paul said the Christian is not in the flesh, but he walks in the flesh, and Paul said that if you're in the spirit don't walk in the flesh, even though you do.
What does this mean? Why it's real simple.
Notice how the English sheds the advanced revelation that is missing in the Greek and the Hebrew, and none of the scholars can find. The invaluable absolute authoritative text of the
King James Bible here opens up one of the greatest truths of the two natures of the new birth possible to imagine, and there isn't any record of any Greek scholar. since Origen and Westcott and Hort,
having ever found the first basic truth of the matter.
The first basic truth of the matter is you're still in your flesh geographically, in the sense that you're still
located in your body walking around inside it, the body of this death,
but the new man in there has been circumcised spiritually, cut loose from that body inside, like an ice cube that has become un-stuck from the container in which it is found, and that spirit has been joined to the Lord, "He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit",
that new spirit is in Christ, part of Christ, Christ is part of it, the new nature is loosed from that body, and you're not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be the spirit of Christ dwell in you,
and if so, you couldn't live in sin if you tried. You could commit sins, your dead body, but you, the new man, can't live in sin because his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin,
because he's born of God.
There, that's where that verse came in, and that's why men the brethren in the Assemblies of God and Church of God make a mistake on both verses.
Their three mistakes are:
living in sin,
taken out of the context,
the Twice Married woman,
Romans seven one to three
, taken out of the context,
and the passage in
First John,
taken out of the context.
All this comes from refusal to study the doctrines that deal with a new birth, and reach the apprehension of truth that is necessary for the Christian to
believe they have victory over sin.
The truth is, he is a dead body with a live spirit. He does not live in sin, he lives in Jesus Christ, and the way for victory to overcome the wretched man
that he drags around with him, that constantly seeks to run him and rule over him and rule over him, is to believe what God said, reckon himself to be dead indeed under sin, because God said he was.
And we'll discuss this more now on our next volume, volume number nine."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #17
Romans 6:2 - 6:11
Partial transcription from
Romans 6:2 - 6:11:
"Now this spirit baptism that saves is a baptism that is performed without hands,
if we are to believe
Colossians chapter 2, verse 11
, "In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands,
in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh", and notice "putting off the body of the sins" which we mentioned throughout in volume
chapter 8
. "Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead", then saving baptism is the Holy Spirit putting the Christian into Jesus Christ.
And when he becomes a part of Jesus Christ, he must share the life of Christ and the life of Christ was crucified at Calvary and was buried.
Therefore, we are buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death which took place when we trusted him and were put into him,
we should be also in the likeness of his resurrection when he comes we will have a new body.
Surely, showing you in the passage you are talking about the Holy Spirit, putting you into Christ and sharing Christ literal death. Paul said I am crucified with Christ and thus you will share his literal resurrection.
"Beloved, it does not appear what we shall be, but we know when he shall appear we should be like him. For our conversation is in heaven,
for once we look for the Savior of the Lord Jesus Christ who should change our vile body and fashion it like unto his glorious body by that working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself."
Now three attacks are made in this matter of baptism.
The first attack is made by the ultra-dispensationalists who say that since there is only one saving baptism of the Holy Spirit,
there should be no other baptism included and thus water baptism is eliminated. That's the first attack.
The second attack is made by the Campelites. This attack is: you've got to have the Holy Spirit to be saved and the only way you can get the Holy Spirit,
Acts 2:38
, is through water baptism,
Acts 2:38
The third attack is made by the holiness groups. You can be baptized in water and not get the Holy Ghost and the only way you can get the Holy Ghost is by showing the initial evidence of talking in tongues.
These are three attacks made on Bible-believing Christians.
The first attack is made to break up the local assembly.
The second attack is made to proselite the saved child of God in a judaistic situation where he will be depended upon works to save him.
The third attack is made on the indwelling Christ so the believer will not realize that Christ is in him unless he talks in tongues.
Therefore, the true student of Scripture the sure believer that studies to show himself approved unto God and becomes a workman that cannot be put to shame and rightly divides the world of truth, carefully avoids all three positions.
Number 1. He knows Jesus Christ is in him,
even if he doesn't talk in tongues because there is no evidence that Barnabas ever talked in tongues or that Silas ever talked in tongues or that Jesus Christ ever talked in tongues
or that Dwight L Moody, Billy Sunday, Martin Luther or John Wesley ever talked in tongues and Paul makes it clear that all do not speak with tongues in
1 Corinthians chapter 12
Number 2. He is careful to avoid the stupid mistake of the so-called Church of Christ from Alexander Campbell in thinking the Holy Spirit is not in him simply because he hasn't followed the Jewish Old Testament formula of
Acts 2:38. Acts 2:38
is given by a Jew to Jews at Pentecost before one line of the New Testament has been written. What a blithering idiot a man would be to go back there to find out how to get the Holy Ghost.
Number 3. He doesn't make the mistake the ultra-dispensationists make in chopping up their Bible to where we have only the prison epistles left. He recognizes the fact that Jesus Christ was immersed in water,
Peter, James and John were immersed in water, Silas, Barnabas, Timothy and Paul were immersed in water, and therefore to throw out water baptism is to deny the testimony of the greatest Christians that have lived."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #18 - Romans 6:12 - 7:2
Romans 6:12 - 7:2
Partial transcription from
Romans 6:12 - 7:2:
All right,
chapter 7
. Now, in
chapter 7
we switched our theme, and here we're dealing primarily not with the Christian's death, related to Christ's death,
but with the relation of the death of the Christian to the law. Notice how the law shows up in
verse 1 and verse 2 and verse 3 and verse 4, 5, 6, and 7,
and again in
and again in
, and again in
This chapter is a dissertation on how the law is related to the death of the Christian.
In understanding this chapter, we should never forget the great truth, learned in
Romans 6
Colossians 2
, and without recognizing this truth, an exposition on the passage is simply impossible.
When you read the commentary on Galatians, which we hope to have in print very soon, and the commentary on Colossians, these matters will become more vivid to you, when you suddenly discover that Souter,
Melligen, Multen, Mulligan, Trench, Westcott and Hort, Kenneth Weist, Wennigar, and all the leading scholars of any persuasion have been unable to find the first truth in regards to the matter.
You'll understand why I keep repeating it, putting it on you.
The first truth of the matter you must understand, which the Greek scholars can never find, is that when a man is saved, the Holy Spirit spiritually circumcises him inside from the body in which he walks around in,
or in which he walks around, if you're interested in straining out gnats and swallowing camels. And so even though you are no longer in the flesh spiritually, and you're one in Christ,
seated in heavenly places, etc., you are geographically in your body. You've been cut loose from your body, you're not joined to your body, you're not stuck to your body,
and that truth is absolutely essential in understanding
Romans 7, 1 to 3
, and if you don't understand that truth, like the leading scholars in any generation have failed to understand it,
don't waste your time trying to expound
Romans 7
Romans 7, verse 1,
"Know ye not brethren, for I speak to them that know the law, how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth,
for the woman which hath the husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth, but if the husband be dead, she is loosed", loosed, loosed, the same expression used for a divorce in
1 Corinthians 7,
"She is loose from the law of her husband. So then while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she should be called an adulterist, but if her husband be dead,
she is free from that law so that she is no adulterist, though she be married to another man. And now, wherefore, wherefore, my brother, ye also are become dead, dead not only to sin,
but dead to the law, by the body of Christ that you should be married to another, even to him who has raised from the dead that we should bring forth fruit unto God"
exactly as you read it in
chapter 6, verse 22.
Now, there will not be time on this volume for an ample discussion of these first four verses, so we'll take them up into tale on our next volume, volume 10.
Suffice it to say, that the picture given is the picture of a woman who is likened to your soul, and a man who is likened to your body of skin and bones. And this soul,
this woman was stuck to this man and joined together and cleaved one to another. And when you got saved, the husband was assassinated, the body, killed, dead and nailed,
and the woman inside the soul is free to be remarried, and she remarried Jesus Christ. And without an understanding of that spiritual circumcision, as I gave it to you just then,
any dissertation on the two natures and victory over sin is an impossibility.
Be not deceived. For the Greek yields no light and Greek scholarship can tell you nothing but confuse the text,
the Authorized English text under the inspiration and power of the Holy Ghost, can bring home truths that are unknown to the greatest scholars that ever lived. Don't ever forget it.
I didn't say the King James text was inspired. I said the King James text being used by the Holy Spirit and being breathe upon, God breathed by the Holy Spirit,
can show you truths no scholar ever found in the original manuscripts. We'll continue our study of
Romans chapter 7
in volume 10.
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study #19
Romans 7:3 - 7:20
Partial transcription from beginning of
Romans 7:3 - 7:20:
"Now, as we mentioned in our previous volume, volume 9, when we were discussing the relationship of the soul to the body and the soul to the Lord Jesus Christ, that is the death of the Christian as it is related to the
Lord Jesus Christ.
chapter 7,
we have to clearly understand the English passage as given in
Romans chapter 7 verse 1-4
, where we are told in no uncertain terms that the soul is likened to a woman, the body or the flesh,
that is the literal physical, visible body, is likened to her husband, and the soul was stuck to or cleaved to this body like a married woman is told to cleave to her husband and vice-versus. Now, when Christ came into the
body of the Christian, this soul was cut loose. The body was declared legally dead, nailed to the cross, crucified with Christ, and the expression, the old man being crucified, and the flesh being dead, of course, refers
to the literal physical bodily carriage in which you walk around.
And the confounded mess that Trench, Driver, Alfred, Molten, Suder, Tregellis, Tishendorf, Westcott and Hort, Clark, James, Brown, and the other 3,000 commentators have made of this type of text, is of appalling.
As a consequence you not find one correct book given on the two natures, with a possible exception of about 80% of the work written by Watchman-Nee and Maxwell. The rest of it is of farce. The flesh refers to the flesh,
and Paul is very careful to make this clear by saying in the
second Corinthians
that though we walk in the flesh, yet we don't warfare in the flesh. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. If the flesh was the old nature,
then of course Paul was a liar. For he said in the
second Corinthians 10
, "We do walk in the flesh." Well, now as a matter of fact, we don't walk in the old man. The old man has been put off and nailed to the cross,
and we're not in the old man. We're in the new man. However, we're still in our skin. Therefore when you hear a man running to the Greek of the Hebrew to prove his point, you know he's crooked probably to start with."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study (NOT Bookstore Version) #20 & #21
Rom 7:21- 8:15
Partial transcription from beginning of
Rom 7:21- 8:15:
"Now, we have been discussing the two natures of the believer, which is the great and grand subject of
Romans chapter 7
. And in talking about these things,
we've been dealing now for a considerable time with the death of the Christian as it is related to certain things.
For example, in
chapter 6
, we talked about Christ's death as it is related to death of the Christian.
chapter 7
, we've been discussing the law as it is related to death of the Christian.
And when we get the
chapter 8
, we'll discuss the future life as it is related to the death of the Christian.
In this chapter, we are discussing the law as it relates to the Christian.
The Christian has been slain by the law. Sin used to abide in his dead body,
and since his soul was stuck to this dead body in which sin dwelled, he was stuck to a body of death, which can only do one thing, and that'd be the drag him down to hell.
When he got saved, the Holy Spirit came into his dead body, and nailed his dead body to the cross with Jesus Christ, cut the soul loose from his flesh by the
divine operation described in
Colossians chapter 2
, and then gave the dead spirit a rebirth and joined that spirit to the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ,
who now indwells the believers' body. When this happened, the believer lost all relationship to the law. And even although the law was holy and good and righteous,
Paul has written in
Romans 6.14
, "Sin shall have no dominion over you, for you are not under the law, but under grace. You are dead to sin, and you are very clearly dead to the law.
chapter 8 verse 10
, "If Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin." And I'll recite and emphasize that, my comments on
Romans chapter 7 verse 9
And although these comments may not match any 50 or so commentaries that you pick up, don't let it bother you.
Every commentary written since 1800 has been a destructive criticism of the King James Bible, and you do well to ignore it, where it crosses the correct text."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study (NOT Bookstore Version) #22 & #23
Rom 8:16- 8:30
Partial transcriptions of
Rom 8:16- 8:30:
"Now this reveals the nature of the modern critic of the authorized version. Basically at heart he's a hypocrite. Hypercritical. He's a man who is looking for fault in authority to establish his own authority.
I was talking to one of these Greek professors at the fundamental university recently, whose university advertised itself as standing for the absolute authority of the Bible.
And I sat down with that man and talked with him for nearly an hour, that fellow corrected the Bible on almost every verse I brought to him. Now you mark my words,
a university that professes to believe in the absolute authority of the Bible and has a faculty who with impunity corrects the Bible every other verse is a university that believes in its own absolute authority.
You can put your money on that and die on it. That man didn't believe in the absolute authority of the Bible.
You say, "Well, maybe the university didn't take the stand He took". Yes, they backed him up in written letters I have in my suitcase. Now what's the problem? Well aside from just wicked stupidity, the problem is inability to read."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"And whom he called, he justified". He justified him at Calvary.
"And whom he justified, then he also glorified". Well, he hadn't done it yet. The verse said over there very clearly where you couldn't possibly miss it in
verse 17
, that we may be glorified together.
Clearly telling you that these things in the fore-counsel and fore-knowledge of God, some of them were passed, some of them were present, and some of them were future.
Whom he justified, he also glorified. And I'm just as good as glorified.
"And the sufferings of this present time, are not worthty to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us". When? When I get to be just like Jesus Christ,
conformed to the image of his son. There won't be, I'm going to shock you now. This is called extremism by these Bible-rejecting heretics who think they're conservative.
You know these little, uh, poor little old used piece of pottery stored away in the cupboard for institutional uses.
They think a man is extremist, whenever he gives you a Bible truth they haven't seen.
They like to stick by the dead Orthodox traditions of Westcott and Hort and the leading scholars and the majority of the scholars in any age,
while they go through life just blind as a bat and backing in backwards, and they couldn't hit a bunch of bananas with a bass fiddle.
But in this age, there will be no people from this age who will ever get to heaven as women.
Now I know that's startling, but the Bible says as many received Christ, to them he gave power to become the sons. And when a woman receives Christ, she has a hidden man in her heart,
1st Peter chapter three, verse 1 to 5
. And if that was figurative or simbolical, I'll tell you one that isn't. This one right here, this says man or woman, boy or girl, you're predestinated.
Your destination is fixed to be conformed before, made like, the image of his son. An image, not a personality, not a spiritual growth, not the mature man,
and the fullness of the statue of the measure, and all that stuff in
, don't get off it.
He was talking about the redemption of your body,
verse 23
, Not your spiritual growth, and don't you let any allegorizing, spiritualizing Alexandrian scholar, who stands, and thinks because he stands with the fundamentals of the faith,
he's able to correct this word, tell you this confirmation is spiritual confirmation, this is a confirmation to a bodily image in the context in which it occurs, and a text without a context is a pretext.
This is the redemption of your body, not your spiritual growth. Christ says in the resurrection they're neither married nor given a marriage, but are of the angels of God. Every angel in that bibles is a male.
Now I realize these dumb, stupid, dead Orthodox apostate, Greek and Hebrew PhDs, in conservative schools, call that extremism, but they call that because they're Bible rejecting egotists.
And they believe if a truth comes out, they didn't discover it in the original languages, it's an extreme position.
And they think anything that God shows a Christian, that the leading and majority of scholars don't go along with is an extreme.
And the reason why is they are extremely naive and extremely ignorant and extremely infidelic.
Note, in
Genesis 5
, the male and female are both called Adam. She wasn't called Eve till after the fall and God didn't call her Eve, Adam called her Eve, her name was Adam.
You say, well you say it too. Isn't your wife's name your name? Wasn't her name her father's name before you married her?
You call that extremism? What kind of a nut are you? A woman has no last name. She has her father's name untill she's married, then she has her husband's name. Male.
You know what he said over there in
Ephesians 5
, he said, "for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two should be one flesh"."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study (NOT Bookstore Version) #24 & #25
Rom 8:31- 9:17
Partial transcription of
Rom 8:31- 9:17:
"Christ who is over all, what is Christ? He's God blessed forever, Amen. He's God blessed forever. You say, "Well, it shouldn't read that way." It shouldn't?
All right, then notice again how the infallible English straightens out the obscure Greek manuscripts.
When we have trouble with the Greek scholars that begin to mess with our Bible, the Lord has given us dumb, poor, ordinary, common people, a good standard to go by and judge by,
and we read in
1 John 5:20
, "Jesus Christ is the true God and eternal life." In
1 John 5:20
the antecedent is Jesus Christ, this is the true God and eternal life.
When the Greek is in doubt, throw it out,
and notice
how the Holy Spirit will magnify and exalt and illuminate the English text
so it can correct the errors of Greek scholarship
. God blessed forever, Amen. Amen.
Then Paul had a burden for these un-save Israelites. He loved them. He loved them so much. He'd almost go to hell to get them saved. He had a real compassion for souls.
Then he says in
verse 6
, "Not as though the Word of God had taken none effect." In plainer words some of these covenant children of these Israelites got saved."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study (NOT Bookstore Version) #26 & #27
Rom 9:18 - 11:4
Partial transcription of
Rom 9:18 - 11:4:
"You know what they're doing up in that moon? You know what they're doing up there, spending billions, literally billions of tax dollars on. You know what they're spending it on? You know what they're actually doing up there?
They're trying to find something to prove evolution. They're not looking for truth. They're looking for something to prove a theory they have.
And when they bring back those little pieces of volcanic ash and rock, you know what they're doing? They're fighting for their lives to cover up their sins. Scientific progress is simply man's attempt to cover up his bedevilment.
Now you get the Bible Believers Commentary there in
and read about that in
Genesis 3 and 4
. They're not up there to find truth. They're up there to prove the Bible's a lie, don't you know that?
The telescope and the microscope have been dedicated to confusing the issue of personal responsibility to God. That's the long and short of it.
The telescope and the microscope have been dedicated to pushing God as far away from you as they can push him so you won't feel like you're personally accountable to him.
And the whole motive and design and purpose behind a liberal arts education is to get God as far removed from the local scene as he can be shoved."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study (NOT Bookstore Version) #28 & #29
Rom 11-5 - 13-1
Partial transcription of
Rom 11:5 - 27:
Verse 8
According as it is written, and here is according to
Isaiah 29:10
, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day,
and you may compare
Job 34:30
with this matter, and
Psalm 69:22
for a commentary on the text. According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;)
Why? Why are their eyes dark in
verse 10
? Why should they bow down on their back always?
Why? Because they rejected light. God did not give them eyes they couldn't see with until they refused to see. God did not give them ears, for which they could not hear, until they refused to hear.
And that is abundantly clear from the passage we find in
John 12
, who will be read in
verse 9
, therefore they could not believe. "Because that Isaiah said again, He hath blinded their eyes,
and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them." Now notice the context of that statement.
John 12:37
, "But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him: That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Lord, who hath believed our report?
and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?"
Light rejected becomes lightning.
And the reason why man gets in the place of tradition where he cannot see and cannot hear spiritually is because he has rejected what he should have heard in the scene spiritually before the blindness came.
Now if it was not clear from this passage it should be abundantly clear from
2nd Thessalonians chapter 2, verse 9, 12,
For we read that God doesn't send anybody a strong delusion and cause them to believe a lie, until they reject the truth and have pleasure in unrighteousness.
2nd Thessalonians 2, verse 10 to 12,
Light rejected becomes lightning. Now Jesus Christ showed his miracles publicly and openly. They had every opportunity in the world to believe.
They had every opportunity to see and have proof before their faces that he was God's son. They deliberately rejected him, deliberately. He came to his own, his own received him not,
and because of this rejection the Lord did this thing to them and blinded them."
Dr Ruckman - RARE Romans Study (NOT Bookstore Version) #30 END Rom 13_1 - 16_27
Rom 13_1 - 16_27
Partial transcription of
Rom 14:16 - 16:27:
""And to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles". Notice the plural, churches, local churches. Exactly as you find it in
verse 16
, "The churches of Christ salute you."
Now Alexander Campell and the water dogs, as always they use
Romans 16:16
to prove the "church of Christ". But again this is quite typical of the Bible-rejecting blasphemer who refuses to bring himself
into subjection to the words of truth. For the words of truth here say "churches," not "church." The expression "the church of Christ" occurs nowhere in the New Testament.
As a matter of fact, it occurs nowhere in 31,000 plus verses in the Bible. It is pure fabrication. It's very difficult, of the Christ-rejecting, Bible-denying blasphemer,
to submit the Bible to his own authority and make it say what he wants it to say. It does not say that, it says what it says. And if you don't like it, you can lump it.
Romans 16, verse 5
"Likewise, greet the church that is in their house". And notice the context is a local church. You say, "Well, it's the people who are saved in their house."
The evidence says churches in
verse 4
and churches in
verse 16
. And clearly indicating that it's an assembly that meets in a home."
Bible = Basic
Before Leaving Earth
Psalm 12:6 - 12:7
"The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver
tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times, Thou shalt keep
them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve
them from this generation for ever."
2 Cor 2:17
"For we are not as many which corrupt
the word of
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